When there's something on my mind that I don't want to take the time to think through I end up staying up late to exhaust myself, thereby not giving my brain the chance to think about whatever's troubling me.
Last night I didn't want to think about that interview. I didn't want to come up with a plan just in case they offer me a job.
I stayed up until 5am.
When I got out of bed today (at 2:30 in the afternoon), I decided to shower, drink some raspberry soda (my new thing), and look over the materials sent to me about an unemployment workshop I'm scheduled to attend tomorrow. I think there will be presentations to a group and then one-on-one attention from people who know how to find you a job? I was thinking about this whole workshop thing as me being bored for three hours while some squares try to teach me how to internet. My well-rested brain created a new scenario for me today, though. I'm going to this with an open mind and I'm going to see it as an opportunity to discuss with someone in the know how to handle this whole I-interviewed-really-well-but-am-afraid-these-people-will-devour-me-on-their-lunchbreaks situation.
So while I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to this workshop (I HATE riding the bus alone to a destination with which I'm unfamiliar), I'm not going to see it as a waste of time. As my favorite webcomic dinosaur says, "the worst that can happen is adventure." Umm, but I'd like good adventures, not, like, bus-breaking-down adventures.
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