A few weeks ago one of my friends sent me a series of emails between her and one of her friends. Her friend was asking if my friend would be interested in doing some part- to full-time work at her office. My friend is going out of town for a significant amount of time and let her friend know that it'd probably be a bit of trouble to hire and train her just for her to pack up and leave, but she mentioned that she has a friend (that's me!) who's looking for work. I sent my resume to my friend, she passed it on to her friend, and this week I got an email asking if I was interested in being considered for the position.
We swapped a few emails and this morning I got up at 6:30 (oh my, I'd forgotten how that was. And I had my dad call me to make sure I was awake on time.), got ready, caught a bus, and found the office.
A note about the bus. I don't like riding buses. I just don't. It's maybe from having to ride the bus to and from school for ten or so years. I don't know. I think it also has something to do with the fact that I'm not familiar with a lot of the places that I can't just walk to so I get all worried that I'll miss my stop and end up in another county or something. However, today's bus ride was pleasant.
Okay, so I found the office and went in and everyone was crazy nice. Holy heck. At least four people offered a cup of coffee (I declined because I'd likely spill it down my front.) and one guy just popped on into the conference room where I was waiting. Just to chat. And tell me a wee bit about the industry. I heard him mention excitedly to others in the office that there was someone there (that's me!) about an admin position. They had a summer intern and I think they're missing that extra pair of hands.
I met with a couple people for about 20 minutes and it was nice and chill. One of them got his graduate degree at the university I attended and I got to tell them a bit about what I'd done at my last job.
They're going to get in touch with me next week when they have a bit of a better idea of what they're looking for. They know I'd like a full-time job and I think they have to figure out when (or, indeed, if) this job will become a full-time position. Also, the starting wage the friend of my friend mentioned to me in the emails is right around what I'm looking for. Score!
So, here's hoping something good comes of today's excursion. I really liked the vibe of that office.
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