Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Should've Been Paying Closer Attention

I totally thought I had more time to get the UI. Ummmm, no. Instead of getting a check last week I got a letter saying I'd gotten all the UI I was going to get. My time was up.

Not the best thing to get on Friday. I was counting on that check to finish buying Christmas presents.

So I mailed off the form asking for an extension, called the Student Loan folks (they're so nice each time I called) and am getting the form to suspend my student loan payments while I'm unemployed. Then I called my dad to plan the weekend (spent at my parents' house because I love visiting them and I don't have to buy groceries when I'm at their place) and to ask him to help me buy presents. He was really nice and bought himself a book he wanted and promised to forget about it before Christmas.

It's really shitty, but I should've been on the ball.

But there's a bit of good news!

I'd applied last month for a position at an organization for which I used to volunteer and for which my mom still volunteers. I didn't hear back from them but she mentioned to someone in HR that I'd applied and they said they'd take a look and see if the position was filled yet and if not look again at my materials. I'm sad that I apparently didn't make a good enough impression the first time, but I'll just believe that I got lost in the 100+ resumes they got.

Also, I heard back from a local school where I'd applied for a Management position in their food service department. I have an interview next week! I'm trying not to get my hopes up because God knows that hasn't worked out so far. But this is the position for which I think I'm best qualified out of all the jobs I've applied for in THESE SEVEN MONTHS.

I'm excited for Christmas as well. I'm not even joking.